Two or Three sophomores and two Freshwomen of SHP organize a team for mentoring and socializing.
In the last semester before graduation, students use what they have learned from all the various courses in Scranton College and write their Honors Thesis independently under the guidance of their thesis advisory professor, and give a presentation on Symposium.
The students who successfully complete the regular courses and the special programs in SHP acquire qualifications for the entree to ATE Honor Society, the network of outstanding talents, which can be utilized as a valid human network.
Talking about majors with professors and adjunct professors in Scranton Honors Program, freshmen gets opportunity in order to explore majors and enhance the neccessity to pursue the integrated studies.
All the students of Scranton Honors program get the opportunity to close each term, socializing with their SHP friends and professors.
Scholarship in foreign exchange programs (if selected).
Scholarship for every freshman student (4year/1year).