The Management Information Systems major is a mixture of management and computer science. The MIS major trains students to understand technology and information technology, and to have good knowledge in management. In the 21st century, the level of information technology will be a key factor influencing the success of every industry. To meet the needs of the times, MIS focuses on educating not only management experts, but also IT experts. Management experts understand computer-based information systems and are able to access, control and manipulate information for their needs. IT experts learn techniques, and methodologies related to developing information systems and building management information systems from a management point of view.
Management Information Systems consists of both technical and strategic courses. In technical courses, topics include planning, analyzing and designing information systems, controling data-bases, and supporting decision-making systems. In strategic courses, students learn to integrate practical application with reality by deploying, internet business models, and digital business strategies.
MIS students can enter into jobs related to Information Systems or those concerned with management planning. For example, in IS fields, there are information system consultants, and system analysts. In management, graduates can be employed in planning and strategic management at financial institutes, state-run enterprises, trading companies, or in the distribution industry.