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Ewha Womans University Inaugurates 18th President, Hyang-Sook Lee
Ewha Womans University held the inauguration ceremony for its 18th President, Hyang-Sook Lee, on January 24, 2025 (Fri.), at Kim Young-ui Hall. The event was a distinguished affair, with over 1,000 esteemed guests in attendance, including foreign diplomats from various countries, university presidents from leading institutions, prominent figures from research organizations, and government officials. Also present were Chairperson Chang Myong-Sue of the Ewha Womans University Board of Trustees, former and current university presidents, alumnae, and students, all gathered to commemorate this momentous occasion. The ceremony commenced with a prayer led by University Chaplain Sunhee Ahn, followed by a Scripture reading delivered by President Lee Myung Kyung of the Ewha Alumnae Association. Chairperson Chang Myong-Sue underscored the profound significance of the inauguration ceremony, describing it as an opportune moment for the Ewha community to contemplate the university’s founding principles and resolutely reaffirm its dedication to future advancement. The event culminated in the formal appointment of President Hyang-Sook Lee, who was presented with the official appointment certificate and the symbolic Key to Ewha. President Hyang-Sook Lee, who will guide Ewha Womans University for the next four years starting February 1, shared her vision of “Ewha leading the era of great transformation through inclusive innovation” during her oath of office. In her inaugural speech, the President declared, “Through creative and inclusive innovation, Ewha will create people-centered values and lead the changes of this era of massive technological transformation.” She outlined six key policies to bring this vision to life: 1) Establishing first-mover research leadership, 2) Creating a model for future education in response to AI, 3) Innovating administrative systems and enhancing campus infrastructure, 4) Enhancing Ewha’s brand value and global status, 5) Establishing a system for sustainable financial growth, and 6) Enhancing the research and clinical capabilities of Ewha Womans University Medical Center (EUMC) while elevating its global competitiveness. Additionally, she highlighted how “Ewha as a social asset” has played a pivotal role in driving national competitiveness over its 139-year history, reaffirming her commitment to fostering national development by cultivating creative future talent for the digital age and advancing world-class research and development. She also shared her ambition that, by “harnessing the core values of creativity and challenge, excellence and innovation, cooperation and companionship, sustainability, and sharing and service, we will aim to create a new Ewha to embark on a journey toward a new era.” President Hyang-Sook Lee, the first president of Ewha Womans University with a background in science and technology, earned both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in mathematics from Ewha, followed by a Ph.D. in mathematics from Northwestern University in the United States. As a leading researcher in cryptography, she became the first female president of the Korean Mathematical Society. Additionally, she has held prominent positions, including serving as a board member of the National Research Foundation of Korea, the National Research Council of Science & Technology, and the Institute for Basic Science. Since her return to Ewha Womans University in 1995, she has made significant contributions to the development of both her department and the university, serving as Director of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Vice President of Research, and Director of the Industry-Academia Collaboration Foundation . In November of last year, she was elected as the 18th President through a direct election and the appointment by the Board of Trustees. Her term commenced on February 1, 2025, and will span four years, concluding on January 31, 2029. Following the inauguration ceremony, a celebratory luncheon took place at Lee Sam-bong Hall and Conference Hall in the ECC building, and Jinseonmi-gwan. Celebrating Ewha Womans University’s 139th anniversary, the event stood as a momentous occasion, symbolizing the university’s commitment to a new era of progress and innovation under the leadership of its new president. [Full transcript of the 18th President Hyang-Sook Lee’s inaugural address in Korean | English]
Thirteen Laboratories at Ewha Womans University Certified as Exemplary Laboratories in Safety Management in 2024
Thirteen Laboratories at Ewha Womans University Certified as Exemplary Laboratories in Safety Management in 2024 Ewha Womans University demonstrated its exemplary capability for laboratory safety management as 13 laboratories obtained certification from the Ministry of Science and ICT under the Certification of Exemplary Laboratories in Safety Management program in 2024. The Certification of Exemplary Laboratories in Safety Management program aims to improve the safety management level of laboratories at universities and research organizations based in Korea and to spread the model standards of laboratory safety management. The certification is available to approximately 83,000 laboratories and is granted to laboratories which pass an assessment by experts. The 2024 assessment took place in August and examined each laboratory’s compliance with 29 requirements in three fields such as a system for a safe laboratory environment, safety-related activities, and safety awareness. At Ewha Womans University, 13 laboratories—Bio & Nano Electro-mechanics Lab, Polymeric Biomaterials Lab, Sustainable Catalysis Lab, Laboratory of Integrative Organismal Protistology, Common Equipment Room, Environmental Electrochemistry Laboratory, Cell Biointerface Engineering Laboratory, NanoBio Engineering Lab, Center for Infectious Disease Treatment & Control, Genome Integrity & Structural Biology Lab, Department of Biochemistry, and Laboratory of Nano Imaging—obtained the certification. The number of certified laboratories has almost doubled from 2023. Ewha Womans University has constantly worked to improve laboratory safety through regular inspections, thorough safety assessment, self-inspections, and safety education. In addition, Ewha’s Exemplary Laboratory Safety program to reward outstanding laboratories in safety management has been in place since 2009 as part of the university’s continued efforts to establish an advanced research environment.
Opening of Youngsan Theater as a Locus for the Value of the Humanities, Culture, and Art
Opening of Youngsan Theater as a Locus for the Value of the Humanities, Culture, and Art Ewha Womans University established Youngsan Theater to promote the value of the humanities, culture, and art, and to foster the personal growth of students. The naming and signboard unveiling ceremony for the theater was held on January 8, 2025 (Wed.) on the fourth basement floor of the ECC. Youngsan Theater was established to honor the cause of Chairperson Kim Jeong-ok (German Language and Literature, graduating class of 1969) of the Kim Hee-Kyung Scholarship Foundation for European Humanities. Chairperson Kim pledged a donation in 2022 to create a space for supporting Ewha students as they grow into creative talents through cultural activities such as theater performances in various foreign languages. Remarkably transformed from the former ECC Theater, Youngsan Theater has become a theatrical venue for various live performances, such as plays and musicals. The theater boasts a 667.8㎡ space with 288 retractable seats, dressing room, green room, ticket booth, etc. following its recent renovation. President Eun Mee Kim expressed her gratitude, saying, “Youngsan Theater project shows Ewha Womans University’s unique spirit with an innovative and experimental cultural and art space which will serve as a venue for cultural and artistic events that communicate the value and significance of the humanities to many people in society.” Chairperson Kim Jeong-ok remarked, “I hope Ewha students create something new by staging plays and live performances at Youngsan Theater, unleashing their passion to achieve their dreams with individuality and creativity during their four years at university.” The third session of the ceremony provided a showcase of Youngsan Theater as a theatrical venue. After screening a special video celebrating the 20-year legacy of the Kim Hee-Kyung Scholarship Foundation for European Humanities, the German drama club Auf die Bretter from the Department of German Language & Literature performed “Die Sumpfmeise” from Bookpink, a play by Caren Jeß, in German. In addition, Ewha Sori, a changgeuk club from the Department of Korean Music, received a big round of applause for its gala performance of songs from a traditional Korean opera titled Scranton: Flame of Education.
Po Goo Nyo Goan Selected as a 2024 Excellent Hanok House of Seoul
Po Goo Nyo Goan Selected as a 2024 Excellent Hanok House of Seoul Po Goo Nyo Goan, located within Ewha’s College of Medicine and Ewha Womans University Seoul Hospital, was selected as one of the 2024 Excellent Hanok Houses of Seoul, announced by the Seoul Metropolitan Government. Established in October 1887 by missionary Mary F. Scranton near Ewha Haktang in Jeong-dong, Po Goo Nyo Goan was Korea’s first modern women’s hospital and medical education institution for women, as well as the predecessor to Ewha Womans University’s College of Medicine and Ewha Womans University Medical Center. The name Po Goo Nyo Goan (普救女館), meaning “a place that widely protects and saves women,” was bestowed by Emperor Gojong. Located in Jeong-dong, Po Goo Nyo Goan was used as an annex to Ewha Haktang after 1914, but faded into history with the establishment of Ewha Kindergarten in 1921. In 2019, alongside the opening of Ewha Womans University Seoul Hospital in Magok-dong, Gangseo-gu, Po Goo Nyo Goan was restored to continue its founding spirit of “service and sharing.” The current Po Goo Nyo Goan has been restored to its original state based on the diary of Rosetta Hall, who was the third director of the hospital, and rebuilt as a 128 m2 hanok (traditional Korean house). The structure faithfully replicates the original layout, including operating rooms, patient rooms, and consultation rooms, allowing visitors to experience the atmosphere of Po Goo Nyo Goan in its era. The site also features exhibition areas dedicated to Dr. Esther Kim Pak, past Po Goo Nyo Goan directors, and a nurse training institution. Visitors can explore the interior, which houses old photographs and artifacts, free of charge on weekdays from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (closed for lunchtime from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., as well as on weekends and public holidays). Detailed explanations from archive staff are also available upon request.
Tech-Biz EWHA 2024 Held to Showcase Innovative Growth Technologies
Tech-Biz EWHA 2024 Held to Showcase Innovative Growth Technologies The Ewha University-Industry Collaboration Foundation (EUICF) hosted Tech-Biz EWHA 2024 at 2 p.m. on December 18, 2024 (Wed.) at Lee Sam-bong Hall of the ECC building, bringing together cutting-edge innovative growth technologies in one place. Tech-Biz EWHA has been held annually since 2021 under the auspices of the EUICF to facilitate the commercialization of promising future technologies possessed by Ewha and to provide a venue for networking between companies and researchers. This year’s event was held successfully and attracted about 200 participants, including Ewha professors and researchers, member companies, and technology-demanding companies, as well as officials from related organizations such as Gangwon Special Self-Governing Province, Seoul Business Agency, Korea Technology Finance Corporation, and Korea SMEs and Startups Agency. The event showcased major promising technologies held by Ewha’s faculty members in various fields such as biotechnology, medicine, new drugs, secondary batteries, data, security, and healthcare. Key technologies introduced include a communication-based language-cognitive diagnosis and rehabilitation program (Professor Jee Eun Sung of the Department of Communication Disorders); artificial intelligence (AI)-based image and video processing technology (Professor Jewon Kang of the Electronic & Electrical Engineering major); FMCW radar signal processing-based monitoring system and AI-based semiconductor vision inspection technology (Professor Jeong-Tae Kim of the Electronic & Electrical Engineering major); ultra-fast, ultra-compact respiratory monitoring and humidity sensing technology (Professor Jerome Kartham Hyun of the Chemistry & Nanoscience major); interface control technology for improving the performance and stability of next-generation secondary batteries (Assistant Professor Kwan Woo Nam of the Department of Chemical Engineering & Materials Science); BCI-sound-based sleep induction solution (Professor Eunju Jeong of the Department of Music Therapy); sensor and therapeutic technology using human receptor nanodiscs (Professor for Special Appointment Tai Hyun Park of the Department of Nutritional Science & Food Management); and therapeutic adjuvant development technology for breast cancer treatment (Clinical Assistant Professor An Jeongshin of the Ewha Womans University Medical Center). Additional presentations were given by external organizations, including the Scripps Korea Antibody Institute and University of Seoul. The event also featured a session showcasing key technologies from member companies of EWHA Tech-Net that have partnered with Ewha for industry-academia collaboration, subsidiaries of Ewha Womans University, and startups founded by alumnae. During the session, corporate support programs were introduced and a one-to-one technology partnering segment was conducted for participating companies. Furthermore, consultation booths for institutions and exhibition booths for alumnae-founded companies were set up to facilitate the vitalization of the industry-academia collaboration network. Ewha holds more than 3,000 outstanding patents across diverse fields, including advanced biotechnology, AI, semiconductors and displays, next-generation communications, hydrogen, and quantum, gradually expanding the scale of its patents with the establishment of 32 faculty-founded companies, more than 100 student-founded companies, as well as 13 subsidiaries. In particular, through the Tech-Biz EHWA event since 2021, the university has served as a platform for 200 companies to showcase 75 technologies, attracting investment funding of KRW 10.5 billion, two mid-to-large-scale technology transfers, one global technology transfer, and the creation of five technology-based startups.
Distinguished Professors Juyoung Yoon and Sue Goo Rhee Recognized as Korea’s Outstanding Scientists and Engineers in 20
Distinguished Professors Juyoung Yoon and Sue Goo Rhee Recognized as Korea’s Outstanding Scientists and Engineers in 2024 Distinguished Professor Juyoung Yoon of the Chemistry & Nanoscience major was awarded the Korea Science Award, which is presented to individuals who have produced world-class research achievements. Professor Yoon was honored with the Korea Science Award for his significant contributions to the development of phototherapeutic agents for intractable cancers, which can be selectively delivered to tumors, thereby enabling simultaneous imaging and treatment. These phototherapeutic agents are expected to pioneer new possibilities in cancer treatment, such as reducing side effects and maximizing treatment effects, thereby elevating cancer treatment research in Korea to a global level. Professor Yoon, a world-renowned scholar in fluorescent chemosensors and molecular recognition research, was named among the world’s top 1 percent of highly-cited researchers (HCR) for 11 consecutive years. He has also demonstrated his world-class research capabilities by ranking in the top 0.05 percent of scientists in the field of organic chemistry, as reflected in the world’s top 2 percent scientist rankings (based on 2023 citation data), jointly organized by Stanford University and Elsevier. To date, he has published over 500 SCI papers (h-index: 134) and has received the 16th Kyung-Ahm Prize (2020) and the Toray Science and Technology Prize (2019). Since 2024, he has also been selected as an Honorary Fellow of the Chinese Chemical Society, further cementing his reputation as a scholar of global prestige. Distinguished Professor Sue Goo Rhee was recognized as a distinguished contributor to science and technology in recognition of his outstanding contributions to advancing research on cell signaling. The distinguished contributor to science and technology system is designed to designate scientists and engineers who have contributed to the advancement of science and technology in Korea and to provide them with honorable treatment and support, with the aim of fostering a social atmosphere of respect for scientists and engineers. A pioneer in the research of cell signaling, Professor Rhee was the first to isolate and purify phospholipase C (PLC), a key enzyme in signal transduction, and to identify its gene, thereby elucidating its role in cell signaling mechanisms. His groundbreaking work presented new directions for antioxidant research and led the way in the research on the role of reactive oxygen species in intracellular signaling. In recognition of these achievements, he was honored as Korea’s First National Scientist by the Ministry of Science and ICT in 2006. From 1979 to 2004, as a principal investigator at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), he trained about 40 outstanding full-time faculty-level researchers through the postdoctoral research program, most of whom are now spearheading the life sciences field in Korea. Beyond advancing research at Ewha, he has played a pivotal role in elevating Korea’s advanced biotechnology sector to a globally competitive level. Ewha has endeavored to bolster its research competitiveness by launching the R&D Coordination and Planning Council and promoting the Ewha Frontier 10-10 Project, with the goal of establishing a world-class research ecosystem. These efforts have resulted in remarkable achievements by the university’s distinguished scholars and exceptional faculty members, both domestically and internationally. Notably, a total of 39 researchers from Ewha were included in the world’s top 2 percent scientists list (based on 2023 citation data), jointly published by Stanford University and the world-leading publisher Elsevier. Ewha’s outstanding researchers are expected to play a crucial role in solidifying its status as a research-oriented university by conducting innovative research in collaboration with globally renowned research institutes and expanding its International Research Network (IRN) through various international events, such as international academic conferences and special lectures.
2023 Year-end Party
2022 EWHA-KOICA Master's Program Convocation Ceremony
2022 Year-End and 25th Anniversary Party
Spring 2022 End of Semester Party
2022 August Convocation Ceremony
EWHA GSIS Special Lecture
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