Ewha GSIS students can take up to 9 exchange credits (up to 6 credits per semester) from the following participating local GSIS institutions in the country:
- Ewha Womans University, Graduate School (일반 대학원) & Professional Graduate School (전문대학원)
- Chung-Ang University, Graduate School of International Studies
- Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Graduate School of International Studies
- Hanyang University, Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies
- KDI School of Public Policy and Management (Master of Public Policy Program)
- Korea National Defense University (국방대학교)
- Korea University, Graduate School of International Studies
- Kyunghee University, Graduate School of Pan-Pacific International Studies
- Seoul National University, Graduate School of International and Area Studies
- Sogang University, Graduate School of International Studies
- Yonsei University, Graduate School of International Studies