EWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY Graduate School of <br>International StudiesEWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY Graduate School of <br>International Studies


[학사 Academics] 2025-1 논문지도교수 결정/변경 안내 Appointment/Change of Thesis advisor

  • 국제대학원

<논문지도교수 결정(위촉) Application for Appointment of Thesis Advisor> 

1. 제출대상 Eligibility 

- 논문세미나(Z0001/Z0002)를 2025-1학기 처음 수강하는 경우, 제출 필수 

* 미제출 시, 논문세미나 수강 불가

* 앞선 학기에 논문세미나 수강하면서 해당 서식 이미 제출한 경우, 재제출 불필요

- Students taking thesis seminar ('Z0001 Thesis Research' or 'Z0002 Dissertation Research 1') for the first time in 2025-1 semester MUST submit the form. 

* Failure to submit the form will result in drop of the Z0001/Z0002 courses 

* Submission is not required for those students who have already submitted the form while registered for thesis seminar (Z0001/Z0002) in the previous semesters.

2. 제출기한 Deadline: 2025.3.10.(월 Mon) 17:00  (기한 연장 불가 No extensions allowed at any circumstances) 

3. 제출서류 Required Document: [9-1] 서식 Form (첨부 Attached) 

* 메일 제목: [9-1 논문지도교수위촉] 학번_이름 / Email Title: [9-1 Appointment of Thesis Advisor] Student ID_Name 

*논문지도교수 위촉 가능 기준은 각 학과 학사안내집 참조 / Please refer to the handbook from each department regarding the details on the eligibility of thesis advisor.

4. 제출처 및 문의처 Submission & Inquiry: 

각 학과 사무실 이메일로 제출 Please submit via email to each Department office (국제학과(Dept. Int'l Studies): gdis@ewha.ac.kr / 한국학과(Dept. Korean Studies): korea@ewha.ac.kr) 


<논문지도교수 변경 Application for Change of Thesis Advisor> 

1. 제출대상 Eligibility: 

- 앞선 학기에 논문세미나 수강 시 이미 [9-1]논문지도교수 위촉 신청서를 제출하여 논문지도교수를 결정하였으나, 부득이한 사유로 변경이 필요한 경우 (예: 지도교수 퇴직 등)

- Students who have already submitted the [9-1]Thesis Advisor Appointment Application in the previous semesters but need to change the thesis advisor due to unavoidable circumstances (e.g. retirement of advisor, etc.)

2. 제출기한 Deadline: 2025.3.10.(월 Mon) 17:00  (기한 연장 불가 No extensions allowed at any circumstance

3. 제출서류 Required Document: [3-5] 서식 Form (첨부 Attached) 

* 메일 제목: [3-5 논문지도교수변경] 학번_이름 / Email Title: [3-5 Change of Thesis Advisor] Student ID_Name 

* 논문지도교수 위촉 가능 기준은 각 학과 학사안내집 참조. Please refer to the handbook from each department regarding the details on the eligibility of thesis advisor.

4. 제출처 및 문의처 Submission & Inquiry: 

각 학과 사무실 이메일로 제출 Please submit via email to each Department office (국제학과(Dept. Int'l Studies): gdis@ewha.ac.kr / 한국학과(Dept. Korean Studies): korea@ewha.ac.kr)